Agalta Protocol Weekly

1 min readJun 4, 2021


The first week, June, 2021

A high performance cross-chain protocol that supports multi-chain ecology.


· Set up Agalta Protocol internationalized branding/PR team.

· Established the community volunteers group.

· The second round volunteer recruitment is coming soon


· agWallet test net in service. Assets deposit, transfer and withdrawal for 9 comon ERC20 tokens are available.

· Agalta test net, browser, faucet and development documentations will be available in multiple languages.

Media Marketing:

· Established Agalta Protocol brand publicity and planning team.

· Officially launched Telegram and WeChat communities.

· Continuously post our updates on multiple forums and websites from home and abroad, including WeiBo, LianWen, Coinvocie, JinSeChaiJing, BiShiJie, ZhiHu, BiHu, JianShu etc.

· The CEO, Louis Liao was invited to the TIDES 2021 Block Chain Industry Influence Summit ,and reached consensus with multiple well-known projects and investors.


· Communicated with multiple domestic and foreign institutions ,signed investment agreements with them. Will reveal more details recently.


· Launched the first airdrop for Agalta Protocol domestic and foreign test net. Over 15,000 people participated in the activity in 24 hours.

· Will launch the second test net airdrop and ecology developer plan soon.




Agalta Protocol is a high-speed, secure, and credible decentralized cross-chain protocol. Telegram: